Hey Reader I just wanted to check in. This time of year can be a lot, and I know it can stir up all kinds of emotions, especially with family stuff. You’re not alone if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Honestly, the holidays have this way of bringing up everything all at once. There’s so much pressure for things to feel perfect. Like everyone’s supposed to be full of joy and love 24/7. But let’s be real, life isn’t a Hallmark movie, and sometimes the gap between how we want things to be and how they actually are can feel massive. Family dynamics don’t help either. Getting everyone in the same room can be like shaking up a soda can... you just know something’s going to explode. Old arguments, unresolved issues, or just people being themselves (in the worst way) can make it hard to relax. And then there’s the stress of gifts, money, travel, planning. It’s like the holidays are this giant to-do list disguised as "fun". Add in some reflective moments (missing people, wishing things were different) and it’s no wonder it feels heavy. Oh, and why not add alcohol to this joyous mix? 🥴 All that to say: it’s okay if this season feels more like survival than celebration. You’re human. If you’re feeling this way, maybe try a few things to make it easier on yourself?Like, set some boundaries, whether that’s around your time, money, or emotional energy. The word "no" is a gift too, you know? Catch yourself when you start thinking in black and white, jumping to conclusions, and saying "should" too much. If you feel lonely, let it move in your body. Pause, breathe. Don't act it out, it will turn into something else. And don’t forget to take breaks for yourself, even if it’s just stepping outside for some air or venting to someone. I think the most important thing is to let go of the idea that Christmas has to look a certain way. It doesn’t. It’s your holiday too, and it’s okay to do it in a way that works for you. You’ve got this. And if you don’t, that’s okay too. I’ve got your back. Let me know if you want to talk or need a distraction (here's my WhatsApp, you don't have to use it, but know it's there). Om, peace 🧡 Clem |
I'm a bilingual yoga teacher who helps people who sit a lot gain mobility, move without pain and reduce their stress.
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